Thursday, October 01, 2020

happy 73rd birthday Jane Dornacker


It would be nice to be able to say happy birthday Jane Dornacker, born 1 October 1947, 73 years young but Jane Dornacker let's get it out of the way died on the 22 October 1986 at a mere 39 years. She certainly packed a lot into those years and we should marvel over that. I am the author of much of her wikipedia entry which I spent a few hours labouring over a few weeks ago, after stumbling over her somehow, I forget how, but via The Tubes, who I was/am nominally interested in. Dornacker cowrote an early semi-hit of The Tubes', "Don't Touch Me There"; she wasn't really a member of the group (she was a backing singer/dancer, and mainly worked with them live from what I can gather). 

You can absolutely imagine, looking at Jane Dornacker's career, that at a certain point she was going to transform from 'god what a troublesome person, uncategorisable and way too finicky' into 'we have to get the right vehicle for this person', just as was required for (for instance) Fran Drescher or Whoopi Goldberg. If you can't beat them, co-opt them. However, she died in a helicopter accident while doing a traffic reporting job which in a fair universe would have just been interim to some kind of global fame (or not, we'll never know). Thus when you look her up on youtube, you get about seven or eight iterations of videos replaying the recording of her death:

When I came to Jane Dornacker's wikipedia page, I found it to be mainly a series of descriptions of the same helicopter accident, including a description which dominated the introduction to the entry. The amount of space given over to the minutiae of the accident and its aftermath was definitely more than half the entry, serving to minimise her life and achievements in a number of ways (and there wasn't even any heft to this section - as I said - it just repeated the same information over and over). Who would ever want to be defined by their death, for god's sake? She was clearly a remarkable performer, long before she won a campaign to be San Francisco State University's 'Homecoming Queen' via the tactics illustrated above (that, and telling people she was 'magic' and an 'Earth mother'; she would later joke that she moved to San Francisco in 1965 from Albuquerque to 'start the hippie movement'). To my mind, the absolutely most telling aspect of the way that incident was reported, from the San Francisco Examiner 6 November 1965 p. 6, was its headline: 'College Queen Contest Back to Normal'. 

She spent the 70s and early 80s as a comedian, musician, actor and all-points-inbetween. No-one says it in the press reportage (don't know why they were so coy) but being over 6 feet tall and a 'buxom red head' no doubt meant she felt she had to take life by/on the front foot but she was, apparently, a natural performer from a very young age, making up operas in nonsense languages and writing a book about stinky skunks when she was a young child. 

So we all know this joke: 

I know it's not my job* to fix all the shit that's going on online or even in wikipedia (btw during my Jane Dornacker editing fury I got a congratulation from wikipedia - I hit my thousandth edit!!! I edit a lot because I keep making screw ups, typos and formatting errors while I do it... lol) and why the hell am I at all surprised that there are stupid sexist assumptions made all over the place online, and wikipedia, which is clearly 90% incel nerd paradise? But still, it really grinds my gears to see how quick the nation of fools who contribute to/edit wikipedia mindlessly replicate the fucked up inclinations of our racist/mysoginist society. For instance, Prairie Prince, the drummer in The Tubes, has a section on his personal life in his wikipedia entry: guess what it comprised (until I removed it)? It was completely about his wife (whether she is still his wife, I can't tell)** who by the way was also a member of The Tubes, and about whom there was virtually nothing in the actual entry on The Tubes. I mean it's bad enough I can't write in my entry (yes, it's mine now) on Jane Dornacker what her mother's actual name was (she's just in the papers in the 50s as half of 'Mr and Mrs John L. Dornacker') but in 2020, you'd think that even fans of the Tubes, who were a 70s alternative rock act after all and who did have at least two women extensively involved with them not just Jerry Hall-Bryan Ferry style, might think that one member of the Tubes was more than another member of the Tubes' 'personal life'. FUCK THESE FUCKERS. And happy birthday Jane Dornacker, I wish you were around to enjoy it. 

*Maybe it is my job. It feels like a calling
** pretty sure he married someone else about 20 years ago so probably not

1 comment:

Pagooters said...

Hi Lorraine! I’m Jane’s daughter. Thank you for trying to fix her Wikipedia site. I looked at it and ignored it because it was so wrong, I didn’t know how to begin. So thank you for keeping her memory alive! Have you seen my FB page for her?

d4 the toffee apple man

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