So a year ago today I was in Turku, en route to Stockholm. I still feel I don't really know Turku properly but I do feel that the Park Hotel made me like it a hell of a lot more. Check it out:
This is the window of my room
Actual Turku event memorialised:
In the early 1920s CJ DeGaris used to bemoan how little people knew or understood Australia. His main beef was that people in other countries thought most Australians were black, I don't know precisely what that meant to him (i.e. most people in South Africa were/are black, it wasn't cause to denounce SA per se). Anyway, it seems to me that no city on earth these days, and Finnish cities are not exceptional in this regard, fails to have its fucken Australian 'pub' which I guess is largely an excuse for steak and exploded onions, Australia's chow mein (i.e. no-one in Australia would ever eat such a thing without commenting that they last had one in for instance Turku).
This is not that, this is another restaurant and actually I think it might have been the one where I had my dinner a year ago today (in truth because of time difference it was probably a year ago yesterday but just go with it OK)
Tomorrow I'll show you how breakfast went at the Park Hotel, it was pretty spesh. I just want to marvel at the 'personalised' lollies I saw in a little IGA-style supermarket after dinner, and wonder at what sort of self-respecting Turkulainen would say 'oh wow, Haribou have printed up special packs with two Finnish cities on a sign post, and since it's clear that Haribear and Hariboy are not in either Oulu or Helsinki, I guess they're tourists in Turku!'

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