Friday, October 09, 2020

foot soldier and right hand cat

Going back to earlier cogitation, I just wish these two could talk to me and tell me the answer a person would give to the question 'why are you sitting where you're sitting the way you are?' 
Nancy I kind of get, she probably spends most of each day on that side of the couch, it's a good place to be when the heater is on, and also she can survey the room if the sun comes out, I guess, and the sun does hit that patch of couch as well, daily (that said, she just got down and went for her bed and Helmi pounced on her). 

Anyway there are no answers. They do it because they do it. And why do I sit on this part of the couch, why am I more inclined to work on the couch than at a table, etc etc? I don't know, and I'm the only organism who could know the answer to that. 

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