Tuesday, November 24, 2020

when smokie sing

I'm sorry but the world in which Smokie: Live The Concert is 'popular' is not a world I want to continue living in. I would love to be a fly on the eyeball of the person who is buying the vinyl for JB's weird little vinyl section. I am not saying I could do it more effectively, because I don't know what the market is or could possibly be for vinyl at JB or whether it's just a kind of 'thing we need to have so people think we have everything' so it doesn't really matter what's there. It obviously can't be in any way comprehensive, and anyone with the slightest interest in buying vinyl records is very unlikely to go to JB, particularly JB at Melbourne Central, proximate to actual, you know, record shops not appliance shops like JB (which of course emerged from a CD store in Keilor so has a kind of sentimental drag towards music retail as much a defining aspect as its ugly yellow signage). They also have a copy of the 12" of 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' for just under $50, I am not sure if they are aware this is a 12" single, or if they are and that's fine, they'll probably sell it to someone who will be perfectly happy with the purchase, thus adding to the sum of happiness in the world. 

'Love Will Tear Us Apart' and Smokie: Live The Concert were recorded I guess within 18 months of each other, the Smokie concert in question being performed in mid-1978. Smokie were one of those bands plucked from nothing by Chinnichap and given a run of big hits that set them on a lifelong career in various, I think, disintegrating units until retirement. (OK I checked their wiki entry and no, as always it's weirder than that, but essentially the bass player who joined in 1965 has held the ship together between 1986 and the present day and indeed the group went to number 3 in the Danish charts with an album of new material in 2010, so, there's undoubtedly more in store for Smokie). 

There's possibly even less reason for the existence of Ringo Starr's solo career, even including his supposed best solo album (so far). No, wait, I forgot - adds to the sum of happiness, except amongst those who would deprive others of happiness for no good reason, so, OK. 

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