Sunday, November 01, 2020

I am not going to go back and see how many times I have declared Persiflage finished. Steve sent me a list of things that needed my attention in various pages and I have fixed all of them bar one - which was a bit of an outlier all along and I often thought of it as the ugliest page. So I just thought fuck it I'll redraw the whole thing. 

I have some nice drawing paper now so I got that out and pencilled out the above, but when I tried to rub some of it out not only did leave a huge grey stain, it also broke the rubber into like mush. So I started again... on cheaper shittier paper (the above is the original pencil, the pen outlines were so I could trace the positioning through to another piece of paper but that didn't work either). 

Anyway, now I have done it but it means a trip to Officeworks. I mean, I'm glad Officeworks is open again, but the back and forth on this fucking thing has been too much. Next time will be different, I know a lot more about what to expect. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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