Sunday, November 29, 2020

big moth

For the last few nights a big moth has been trying to get through the ceiling every night, or to get through the bedroom window glass to the street light outside. It has been very distracting and made it hard to sleep, though I will admit that as of last night (technically still tonight) I have achieved not one but two breakthroughs, firstly that I have stopped giving much of a fuck about the moth's welfare and secondly that I have finally lured it out of the bedroom into the living room and possibly even beyond (I'm not sure where it is right now, but I have turned off all sitting room lights and only have the 'laundry' light on, in the hope that it will go in that direction). A rude reality awaits it if it does go outside because whereas its life in the last few days has been warm (too warm for me, I don't know what moths prefer) it's raining outside and the temperature has really dropped. But I am sort of drably assuming that it has an ambition for its species that it needs to get out and lay its eggs on a leaf or something, rather than waste time on trying to fly through the ceiling, so go forth big moth please you're driving me out of my fuckin' mind. 

*update about 17 hours later: it seems it worked

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...