Thursday, November 05, 2020

sick in the bed

Today I am sick in the bed, or at least, I do not feel well at all but I am sure it is just some kind of very minor bug that just means I shouldn't run the marathon today but otherwise will be fine. I have my loyal family members here with me, Nancy is by my side and Helmi is around my knees, where she elected to go some hours ago (pragmatically deciding, I guess, that old mate wasn't going to get out of the bed so she might as well make the best of a bad lot). 

I am never sure of those times when you feel sick and you're not sure whether the cure is to eat nothing or to eat something. I ate something. I feel no different, so I guess it wasn't the cure but nor was it detrimental. I am left no wiser.

I spent a little time this morning reading my blog from 2007. Jesus H. Fuck, it is beyond boring. I don't remember any of the things I wrote about, although most of it sounds credible. I am so surprised by how dull I was. I suppose I am about as dull now, so, what can I say. It really puts the lie into all those comments I get here from anonymous people saying they need clarity on a point, or they are going to tell their brother to read this, or that they are going to bookmark it and come back later. Some friends they turned out to be. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't know about all your posts, but one my dear friend runs his blog alike. This is some sort of hurricane of random not related (authors head is an exception) information around main topic with harsh statements sounding like a man punching old dusty boxes and then carefully managed them. But that's cool. It forces to think, to research things, to make your own opinion, to start a conversation, even if it's silent one.

P.s. get well!

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...