Monday, November 30, 2020

night tramp

I woke up at 3am dead on, so whereas normally I would angst around I decided to be proactive and get in 'my steps'. I walked around the area aimlessly following the same route three times. It might have been four. Sounds boring and in fact it more or less was but I thought I should experiment with stopping expecting all my walkertainment to be ambient stimulation. 

On the way around the dull route I saw absolutely not one person until the last circuit when I saw someone a block or so ahead of me dressed all in black with only white shoes. I didn't take a picture of that. I did heard a few people though - it sounded like voices in the grounds of University High, and voices on a verandah perhaps? I couldn't tell. Only two cars passed me.  
Lately as is my wont I have become slightly annoyed by the incredible lack of imagination by whoever built or commissioned to have built houses like the above for which the corner is just 'slice of the cake', you know, 'nothing to see here'. This could be in the middle of a row of houses or at street corner for all the imagination that has been applied to this side of the house. That said, I'm a hypocrite because I kind of love this kind of big, blank building face. The little arch at the side at least indicates some kind of awareness of a street to be accessed. 
The only other animal I saw during the hour or so I was out, aside from this timid creature below, was a snail. 
The houses below intrigue me. 
Someone put a box of free jars in the street, someone else put out some free shoes. The ones on the left are size 8, what size are you? 
These stumps irritate me every time I see them. Most of the time they are covered in junk. 
So as of 4:42 am I have 5,397 steps under my belt. That's actually not much of a slice of the pie but I guess by this time of the day I usually have 0. 

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