Anyway I have three computers here (more, actually, but three that are connected to the internet). The first one, the work PC, is the one I usually access the network drive from, so I got started on it. Guess what: some kind of new problem has developed that means I can't establish a network and the system rather smugly informs me it's not going to help me, either. I figure maybe it's because I have had to change my password in recent weeks, and it only wanted my old password to get into the machine, but maybe it wants to give me a chance to show I know the new password. So I restart the whole thing.
It takes a freakin' age to do anything, cycling through all these shutdowns and processes I never knew it had to do. Since I am sitting at the table waiting for this thing to do its tricks, I figure: one more hopeless act can only be a benefit. So I do the one last thing I need to do to show that this op shop purchase was a hopeless waste of money:
When I got it (at Glenroy Vinnies last Saturday) I was excited, but that quickly turned to shittitude because it refused to turn on from an external power source. So then I put batteries in it and no go either. Then I unscrewed the back of it to see whether perhaps there was a really obvious busted wire or a huge amount of rust or a bag of cocaine in it stopping it from working. And no, although a long thin screw fell out that really looked like it had no business being in there. Then I thought 'well... these batteries are a mix of rechargeable and regular. What if I just put rechargeable in? I had some rechargeable batteries but they were not charged. So I put the rechargeable batteries in the recharger and forgot about the whole thing for about four days.
So, sitting at the table waiting for work PC to boot up, I finally put the batteries in the drum machine and fucking hell it turned on!
Now, I can't tell you what it sounds like because there were too many other things to do and too much stuff on the table and so on to set it up properly but I do believe I have achieved the glorious goal of owning yet another stupid little 80s drum machine I will never do anything with! Congratulate me.*
Alright so then basically the work PC went back to its old attitude and still wouldn't let me in to the network drive so I went to the new computer, which also refused for different reasons but I won't try to drag this out into a satisfying narrative the old computer somehow managed to make it work so all I did was waste an hour. I have now read just under half the documents before my brain went to mush, I think I will have to do the rest tomorrow morning how does that sound. Good!
* Hilarious update 7/11: I plugged it into my amp and it would seem it almost doesn't work at all, except for the bass drum. Is that funny?
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