Thursday, November 19, 2020

flook - end of 'volcano island' sequence (or is it?)

All the little identical Ermine-produced quintuplets are weirdly dead-eyed (even in the fourth strip, and until at least the first frame of the last strip above) which is curious (maybe that's what being named after dead animal skin does to you) and Rufus has gone from child in the 15 January strip to a small 40 year old buff man in the 16 January. 

I know, I know... if Ermine was kidnapped from an obscenely rich man, why was she then sold to a 'chief' (or whatever) as a 'daughter' (whatever that means) rather than ransomed and where is said 'chief' now, and why did Mossy Mildew's interest hinge not on the kidnaping but on the golden volcano... gah, not even worth thinking or talking about, it's presumably just guff written on the fly perhaps even deliberately a melange of cliches. 

I am going to stop this rampant reproduction of old Flook for the time being because you know I don't want my blog to become one of those Flookfests (germ: Zufallsfest), and I'm aware that people are more interested generally in the behaviour of my cats. I may return to it though. You have been warned lol.

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