Thursday, November 19, 2020

flook in u.s. syndication december 1951


Forget how strange the last few strips are, what kind of bird is happy/triumphant when its nest which was completely filled with eggs is upset onto people? 'Glad I laid those then.' The bagpipe sequence kind of makes no sense, too.  

Obviously I'm extremely interested in the progress of Flook, but I can't say this storyline is quite compelling me yet, what's compelling me is (sorry to keep going on about it) the beautiful drawing. Look at the first frame in the second strip above, for instance - even if all Fawkes did was copy those fish from a magazine it's still an amazingly intricate line drawing, evocative and stylish and distinctive (as well as assisting in propelling a narrative). I would so like to know how big he was drawing this stuff, and how much time he spent. Did he really do this all himself? Because it's a massively grand undertaking to come up with (let's say) 24 frames like this a week, each a brilliantly executed and kinetic image. Why the fuck didn't I go to art school. Or have talent. 

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