Saturday, May 14, 2005

sandra bullock

Yeterday whilst doing menial tasks (you don't think I'd just watch television, do you?) I watched Miss Congeniality with the commentary (having seen it at the movies some years ago) and then later in the evening, with nothing at all to do except supervise the correct sleeping of two beagles, got Two Weeks Notice from Blockbuster and watched that. I think Sandra Bullock is really funny, and I bet you in twenty years, for all that she is more or less ignored now (she's getting older apart from anything else) these movies will be seen as classics of a more-or-less screwball nature. Two Weeks Notice for all that is nowhere near as good as Miss Congeniality, despite coming from the same writer (and producer - Bullock) probably in part because Hugh Grant is such a pain in the arse. MC only has a peripheral male romantic interest, in fact it could almost have got away without one, and has a lot more physical comedy (alright, basically just falling over) in it. The commentary was pretty good, too. I couldn't bear to watch 2WN with commentary because Hugh Grant contributed. Also, I had Elf to watch.

I don't think Will Ferrell is as funny as many others whose opinion I often respect seem to think. In fact for a lot of Elf he just seemed to be doing a bad impression of Shane Moritz (tall, American and some indefinable other element). That said, I watched it twice in one evening - once alone, and once when Mia came home. I don't think I have ever been able to do that with any film ever, and I'm amazed I was able to do it with this one. It has two commentary tracks, one by the director and one by Ferrell. Ferrell's is a dry as a dead dog's donger, the director's one 5% more interesting because a little more technical. The 'forced perspective' of the elf/human scenes is one interesting part, explained in too much detail.

For some reason (Jane Campion) I also got In the Cut out. Haven't watched that one yet. May never. I really liked Campion's Sweetie and Angel at my Table but haven't had much time for her work since. But you know, DVD one-new-release-and-two-weeklies deals make the world go round.

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