Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I drove home, it rained, the traffic of course doubled because it was raining, I took a turn-off from Elgar Road because all I could see were the red lights of a thousand other cars' arses ahead of me, I meandered around the backstreets of Box Hill/Mont Albert and eventually found myself in Whitehorse Road and thought OK this traffic is so appalling I'm just going to stop somewhere and do some essay marking and have some dinner, so I did, a Malaysian noodle restaurant which - well - wasn't that great, though I had some coconut juice, a personal favourite. But at least the traffic did die down but by now I was doomed to meander so I came home Kew-Heidelberg-Preston-Reservoir-Broady. The plus side was that Australia Talks Back was doing a show about Canberra, and I had a good time with that. But it was ultimately a 2 hour drive and I don't ultimately feel enriched.


bls said...

why are all the places in australia named. there are not so many names in america. each name seems to cover so much more area.

i think you need to read the bio of frederick law olmsted by witold rybszynski.

David Nichols said...

The first three sentences in this comment are each so rich in meaning and consequence. I can't answer them.

The last sentence makes a shitload of sense.

way to drops!

I do believe I have bored you stupid (are you stupid yet?) with details on my attempts to at very least get my foot in the door with the Fin...