Monday, May 09, 2005

darlings what a weekend

When I look back over the last few days all I can think of is what a socialite I have become, from flitting to Hell's Kitchen with Eliza and Leon and their friend Steve on Friday afternoon where I partook of honey and ginger vodka and then to the Vic where Golden Circles and Varo (a Taiwanese group who had apparently been advertised as 'hip hop' but weren't) and the reliable New Estate were all on. Saturday was James' 41st birthday party where I was on the Yeni Raki, what a remarkable aniseed-grape spirit the Turkish people have given us via the bottle shop at Meadow Heights, and how on earth did that stuff stay unmolested in our fridge for three months? That went on for a long time, most of it spent in the backyard of Jane and Gavin's charming Coburg (some upwardly mobile individual should coin a word that distinguishes Coburg just over Moreland road from the rest of Coburg - you know, Brunsburg or Cowick) residence breathing in the very earthy smoke from a large fire. The food was excellent. I was interested to note that Rod Grant quite likes blues music. Then on Sunday it was Olivia's 28th birthday at the Rob Roy for New Estate accoustic which went down exceptionally well. All told I got bugger all DONE but I nevertheless got to wave my feather boa in a few martinis and popped a couple of monocles too I would say.

1 comment:

bls said...

i have never heard you speak in such a flamboyant way...

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...