Monday, August 17, 2020

nancy's big day out

Helmi stands happily all over the laptop keyboard (she will go to bed in about five minutes, I'm guessing) while Nancy sleeps obliviously in the background. She has about two more minutes of ignorant bliss. 

This morning Nancy is going to the vet to have her annual injection and also, glory of glories, to get her claws trimmed. The first is necessary, the second is more than necessary. I would like to get Helmi's claws trimmed as well (she has a bad habit of clawing the furniture/door frames) but I'd need to learn how to use a dart gun first. 

Within the next ten minutes I am going to have to manipulate Nancy into the carrying cage, which is always a slightly delicate (read: vicious) manoeuvre requiring surprise and muscle. She is getting smarter in her middle age too, but luckily so am I. 

Since one day it will be remedied probably, in some fashion, I should just explain the previous post: in the new Blogger interface, the 'NEW POST' button becomes overlaid with the 'Posts' (i.e., previous posts) button, and while I don't know which one 'pressing' it actually selects, I do know it's not possible to want both at once. 

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