Monday, August 31, 2020

like a dream

OK so this is kind of like a dream. If you want something to compare it to, imagine that there is this artist whose work you have always admired, and find compelling and brilliant in all kinds of ways, and then you find out that there is actually every chance that there is a bunch of material by this artist that has not been heard for 45 years, and it's sitting in a box next to you on the couch. That is my present condition, I kid you not. 

There is every chance they are in such degraded condition they won't play; they might just fall to bits. On the other hand... they are going to get the very best of care in a transfer process, so they'll be on the operating table before too long. I am almost scared to let them out of my sight, but by the same token, I know I'm not that great with looking after things like this! 

What is important to remember is that two weeks ago I didn't even know they existed. So if they don't really 'exist'... well... just back to zero. They can't be as good as what is already known to exist as part of the artist's published oeuvre (can they)? At the absolute least, I'll just be glad I know now that Pip once had a song called 'Golden Clown'!!!

(Oh and to tantalise a little extra: Graham Churchill appears to have had something to do with Joni Mitchell's very early career and to have produced an album associated with the children's TV show Rainbow; Dylan Loussier, if that's a person's name, is lost in the mists of time; and 5 Devonshire Ave Sutton? These days, the numbering in Devonshire Ave seems to start at 6 and there could surely have never been anything on the other side of the road...!) 

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