Sunday, August 30, 2020


So I guess it's getting warmer and both cats are moulting. Nancy does it big time (she also has dandruff). (Incidentally her dandruff is the whole reason I introduced tinned tuna etc into her diet, it seemed to work for a while but not any more and all it has given her is more of a weight problem). I have a nifty cat brush where the teeth retract when you squeeze the handle and give you a little mat of cat hair, it's cool and Nancy actually kind of likes it I think but Helmi just finds it too complex and nuanced - she will take three strokes of it and then hide under the table. There's less of her though and she is moulting less than Nancy so it's probably OK. They now eat from the same bowls, use the same litter tray and are also being brushed with the same implement, so soon they will forget they are different cats.

Last night, as I was going to bed Nancy came in and basically kissed Helmi, I know that's projection, but if I'd photographed it that's what you'd say it was, she sniffed all over her face and then just turned and left. It wasn't really kissing, I know, but nor was it 'fuck you, you fucking usurper'. This morning (this might be TMI but you know, they're cats, people and cats sleep together, it's not sexy) I picked Nancy up first thing and brought her onto the bed. It was a hilarious mexican standoff, with Helmi not purring and not knowing where to look, and Nancy looking at Helmi like, 'who even are you', and she turned tail and left soon after but she didn't go and grizzle or anything, she just went back to the living room and sat in the sun. 

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