Saturday, August 22, 2020

back on the horse

So after completely avoiding the gn for a week I am on a push to get the fucker done with. Just filling in gaps really, right now, including pages that are either chapter intros or things I decided down the track needed to be inserted for continuity reasons. I had this page scripted but then I reorganised it while I drew it then went back with the liquid paper (even after this) and tightened it up. It is a really nice feeling to see the end in sight. This is about the moment where someone says 'oh yeah that is entirely the plot of that movie we saw two years ago'. I wouldn't be surprised at all.  

So I decided a month or so ago that just for clarity's sake I should divide it into chapters, and I needed some single-page drawings to announce each one. I actually thought these would have to be complex and detailed but now I've become of the opinion that they don't need to be. 

I was going to go down the boring track of finding images on google image or something but in fact they often don't give me what I already had in my mind, whereas real life is a better image search. Thus this archway, which is actually a bit drab in situ but was totally what I wanted for what it promised and how I could fake it up for something bigger:

One of the things I like about using real life is there are little details that I would not have thought of including because I'm not even entirely sure what they are, and my pictogram approach to illustration requires that only things that signify something should be there. But in this instance I figure unknowns give the whole thing a little more clutter of meaning. So I am happy with this so far.  

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