Wednesday, August 05, 2020

casey kasem

In the script I wrote that the DJ here was Casey Kasem, but I didn't bother trying to make him look like CK, who actually wasn't a really distinctive looking guy in my opinion, though pretty fascinating life. I remember first encountering CK in, I guess, the mid-70s during summer when some pop radio station - played a long series he did on the Beach Boys. It's funny I really don't remember any 'take-home' from that as a story, although it was probably the first time I heard a long story about a pop group, with the usual art vs commerce narrative that would later become very familiar. I just remember thinking, 'hm, I don't mind the Beach Boys'. 

Then later of course I did listen to the American Top 40 which I guess was on 3KZ when I was listening to it (it started there in '71) though by the late 70s it had moved to 3DB. 

I am reasonably pleased with my picture of Elyse writing her PhD on an electric typewriter in what I guess is a kind of bedsit or something. 

We never see the DJ again in the graphic novel. 

I am slightly bothered that Elyse is kind of vapid looking as an adult although those nostrils without an actual nose are pretty horrendous. That's just how it turned out. 

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