Friday, August 28, 2020

mountain goat

This is a picture of Helmi I took this morning at about 5:30 am, with a flash, she was sitting on top of me, which is what she likes to do particularly if I am sleeping or lying on my back (but also, on my side). However since it was with a flash, I can't really know if she closed her eyes because of the flash, or she just sits there with her eyes closed normally anyway. 

Like Ferdie and his lead thing, you can't ask a cat what does it mean when you... and I can't really know how to deduce why she wants to sit on me when I am asleep, but she does often choose the highest point on the bed, which might be a defensiveness thing, or might be a comfort thing or... I don't know!!!! I don't mind it. It does take quite a bit of balancing work for her to stay up there and I admire that. Often I'm only aware she's been there when I wake up for a split second because I've turned in my sleep and she jumps off (always right off the bed). 

She also, when I first go to bed, sticks her nose right in my face to sniff me. Maybe she thinks I am one of her kittens, gotten completely oversized (apparently she did have a litter of kittens once). 

By the way, every day things are getting better between her and Nancy. They will trill to each other now (but they never get too close). Helmi, encountering Nancy in her bed, will sniff her and then stand there wondering what happens next. Nothing ever does. It's the longest thaw ever but I'm enjoying it. 

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