Wednesday, June 03, 2020

who still has a blog

So a lot can change in 15 years. I can't remember precisely when I started this blog but yeah it probably was about 2005, which seems simultaneously yesterday and also so long ago it's stupid. I have not lived at Lorraine Crescent itself since 2013 I think, so almost half of this blog's life its name has been partially a lie (names are just so weird. I remember when Michelle Cannane left the Cannanes in 1986? or when we broke up briefly in 1988? Both of those times, we were like - should we change the name then? I guess we didn't change it the first time because we thought she might came back and then we didn't change it the second time because we hadn't changed it the first time, and also by then we figured we had some cache - lol - and some records out, so to start again would be to build on a foundation of wet sand, but in hindsight that might not have been a bad idea, but also, we had some unsold records to flog or something... I dunno).

As you know, or at least, as you would know if you read everything posted here and took it on board, my posting declined a little because I was unable to get into this actual blog easily, for quite a few years, my own fault to the degree that it was difficult because I had changed the associated email address. But somewhere along the line magically this has been fixed, so it's super easy to get in, one of the reasons I'm here more frequently, also, I don't know why, I just feel more like writing here. I am possibly a little scared off by the toxicity of facebook (I'm not on twitter - technically I am - but that's a scary place. Even instagram is a little scary sometimes). But I do remember thinking, say, five years ago that a lot of things I would normally put up on this blog, were actually going to fb for the instant response. Sometimes that response would be amazing (sometimes horrible, sometimes damp squib).

I have probably mentioned this, but I can recall the first time I ever heard of facebook. It was on or soon after 14 August 2007, when Tim Howard wrote on the Sarsaparilla blog 'Intelligent cultural commentary will return to Sarsaparilla shortly - sooner if they shut down Facebook'. I am almost positive that I had never heard of this facility before that time, but perhaps I had heard of it in an abstract, off-stage sotto voce way that never really congealed or adhered. I then recall within a reasonable period of time - a year? 18 months? A friend announcing a birthday event on fb which I actually just didn't take seriously - it was like dreaming about a birthday event and then waking up and saying 'well that's not going to happen, it was a dream.' These days the only limit I observe to fb world is I absolutely refuse to put a crying emoji on the announcement of someone's death, although it might only be a matter of time.

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