Friday, June 05, 2020

i'm lost!

So the graphic novel is proceeding apace. If this comes off it will be the greatest random achievement of the universe: having scripted (over scripted?) chapters 1-4, I am now more or less making up chapter 5 as I go along (above) where Billy and Tabby, who do a pop culture fanzine, visit Grace and Sheldon in their extraordinary pad for the low down on the arcane minutiae on their sitcom from many years prior, The Rest of Quiglet. When you are drawing a graphic novel (I now perceive) as opposed to writing something you are basically stuck with what you've done because of the sequencing - unless you add in a whole extra page or stick a new frame over a mistake (which I'm reluctant to do because I think making it look natural will be harder than just doing the whole page again). That said, as seen above I am free with the liquid paper. I am having a lot of trouble, it would appear, with making people look at each other properly. Also, the only way I differentiate between Tabby and Billy (I think they're twins) in the face is that Billy has whiskers and Tabby has eyelashes, which might be appallingly sexist I don't know anymore, but drawing Tabby's eyes and eyelashes it's hard to make her not look like some kind of 1920s mascara'd horror show, so I keep having to do her eyes again. Of course you can't just liquid paper over something and then redraw it; it's not a smooth surface anymore. You have to go to officeworks and photocopy the whole page. It's a dr-a-a-a-g.

As for the actual narrative, god only knows. I really don't know what's happening or how it's going to end, except in the most basic way. I am torn between solving a mystery and keeping a mystery going. I have a strong sense that I should be patting myself on the back for going outside my comfort zone while at the same time feeling I am most likely setting everyone up for a letdown, myself included.

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