Monday, January 16, 2012

neighbours 2012

Things move fast in Erinsborough these days. Andrew has taken Sophie's advice and Red Cotton are already ready to play a show, and Paul has entrusted Sophie to Andrew's care, though of course the rest of us are perhaps wondering wtf he has to do with it.

'This gig is gonna rock'. Can you believe I was once told that I couldn't be a Neighbours scriptwriter and should leave it to the professionals. It's probably true, I probably couldn't write a line like that.

What's Summer's problem? Apart from the fact that last week I called her Sky? Kyle is watching chix going down into the squat. Oh, actually, Jade is their trainer. I guess she has a job doing it or something. They really splashed out on crutches for this show.

I guess for each episode Stefan Denis has to ask continuity and the director whether Paul has a false foot this time or not.

Jade is going into a masky face thing as Kyle grills her over some relationshippy stuff. I have finally more or less figured out who she is, but who is he? Hey we're at Eden University now. They have african huts there. Why is Summer guilty? Did she steal someone's identity? She seemed to once look very different. Now she is wearing a spray-painted garbage bag. She's really getting off on wandering tha campus. Red Cotton are my new favourite band! Forget Francolin, this is like, woe dude! Oh Paul likes them, I've gone off them. Sophie is seriously sucking some spiderman face there. Still no sign of the Toadster, man has that storyline been parked.

Then it ended. It wuz great! I can't wait for tomorrow'z.

Later: I did some research on Red Cotton and they are actually a Melbourne band called William and the Tells. It's not my job to make Neighbours keep a proper website and it's apparently not anyone's job at Neighbours to keep the website proper but why does the item on Red Cotton/William and the Tells begin:

On the rise local indy band William and the Tells, have been given an international boost with a guest role on Neighbours.

On the rise local indy band William and the Tells, have been given an international boost with a guest role on Neighbours.


Iphone said...

O seu blog é uma bússula aqui na Blogosfera... Parabéns, cada dia aprendo mais!

David Nichols said...

I am proud to count a portuguese iPhone amongst my many supporters

division 4 the grasshoppers

This is a truly classic episode called 'The Grasshoppers' (aired 9 April 1973). It is topped and tailed with these two river flats d...