Tuesday, January 31, 2012
neighbours 2012
Tuesday: Labby and Stav are – get this – to me, kind of annoying. Did you watch The Loop last weekend? I really enjoyed it, it reminded me of a lot of things, it didn’t go on long enough for me though, admittedly I started watching it about an hour in. Now Neighbours has started. Sophie in the opening credits should reflect Sophie in the show – the mature young lady. I wonder what’s going on with miserable Kate. Also, I wonder why Kyle’s got all this weird white shit all over his flanny. Also, why is Paul so into Kate doing office management. Does Andrew ever think about his dead brother? That kind of thing ruins some people’s lives. He has about fifty other siblings anyway. Summer was reading Truman Capote, but I’m not sure what. Corey is a crazy liar. Green girl brought a coke to Sophie and Corey’s table but did not do or say anything to expand her storyline. Oh, I saw her again and it wasn’t green girl at all, I guess they all wear green t-shirts in that establishment.
Here are Erin and Kate drinking amongst the reeds. Erin is a really annoying person, I've figured that much. She and Kate are going on the road, with 'a hot guy to do the driving'. Jade just asked Kate to a dance party in St Kilda and I thought she said Dad's party in St Kilda and I thought well, who's Jade's dad? That got me nowhere and then I thought maybe Dad's Party is a club in St Kilda, great name for a club. But actually she said dance party, one more example of how what you misunderstand in Neighbours is actually much more interesting than what is actually there. I mean Dad's Party isn't great, as a club name, but it is 20 times greater than what was actually said, right?
Monday, January 30, 2012
pip end january 2010 (two years ago)
neighbours 2012

This is funny I guess but just wanted to add an irrelevant postscript: who decided that when you extend the number of 'e's on a word ending in 'e' you actually extend the consonant preceding it? I.e., 'sameeee' is said 'sammmmme'. It's just one more example of what a pathetic, wrong-headed, drab, irritating language English is.
Friday, January 27, 2012
neighbours 2012
The woman who is talking with Karl looks very familiar. She must have been in something. I wonder what. Nice how Dr Rhys is lurking round corners to listen in to their discussions.
Sonya is going to have Susan's baby. Oh no, a sex montage. That was horrible. I'm glad it was really short. I assume if you see fireworks and trains in stations, that conception has taken hold. Certainly Sonya's head has gotten bigger.
Dr Rhys is going to celebrate getting into the surgery programme by cutting someone's hand off and attaching it to their head like a cocky crest.
Well, Dr Rhys isn't the only person who knows how to lurk.
Then it ceased. Good show what! I am very much anticipating next week's run of instalments.
local scene

A few things happening locally this week. One is the odd placement of a big fence around a part of the reserve on the western side of the creek (we are on the eastern side). This has been fenced off then a bunch of bulldozers have been working it - particularly on Tues/Wed. Have to call the council and sort out what it's about.

Thursday, January 26, 2012
neighbours 2012
I already liked Sharpies (the pens), or should I say, I did at one stage really like Sharpies. Now they’re being sold to me so constantly on Channel 11 as a groovy thing that writes only groovy words and designs, I am somewhat over them. I also have something stuck in my molar which is bullshit. Labby and Stav are also very annoying. I must say I am keen to hear more about this show The Loop, is it my demographic? Apparently it’s been going two weeks. I should watch it on Saturday. These presenters seem kind of old. However, how weird to ask as a music question ‘what was the name of Eric Clapton’s band?’
In the opening credits of Neighbours, Karl and Susan are with a silky. Who is it?
The recap of the show was all about exes. Kyle is still wearing his Dead Kennedys t-shirt. Jade is still wearing her skirty pants outfit. So I guess the last few days of Neighbours have been one day – yesterday, because they’re talking about how they’re going to go to an Australia Day barbecue ‘tomorrow’. How weird that Tash, who when I last watched Neighbours in 2011 was pretending to be pregnant, is now musing over whether someone is ‘pregnant or too much pasta’ in a magazine. I wonder what her massive, massive, massive earrings are all about.
Kyle’s name, particularly as pronounced by many on this show such as Sonya, sounds a lot like ‘Karl’ which would make for fun if it could be incorporated into a storyline. Lucas and Kyle are in the same boat really. Sonya is wearing an amazing silk tent today, I don’t know why, it’s very orange.
Chris is apparently too dirty to be seen out, according to Tash, yet curiously he has absolutely no dirt on him. I guess Chris is the new Charlene – works in a masculine trade such as the auto mechanics, likes guys. If Tash so wants Aden and Chris to get together why doesn’t she dak them and push them in the bushes. Man, her sexual tension over their reluctance (or at least Chris’) to get it on is s-c-a-r-e-y. (Later: ‘I’m not forcing them to pash or anything’ she says.)
I have to say that although I have loved the last three (or has it only been two) weeks of Neighbours, I am somewhat feeling the urge to give it a miss for a day or two as not much is really happening (and I am becoming massively sick of the ads for instance that stupid overdubbed Star Trek ad). I wish Dr Rhys was doing something really, really evil and so on.
Kyle just told me and Jade that Zeke Kinski disappeared for two months and that he thought he’d killed him. I wonder what did happen to Zeke. I guess I will have to check that online again sometime, ‘cos you’re not going to tell me. I see Aden just dropped a Half a Cow reference. Interesting. He must be into (I’ll insert a gay nurse half a cow band reference later).
Ugh a kiss. (Jade/ Kyle)
That’s not a tent Sonya is wearing, it’s a parachute, no doubt to disguise her ovulation window.
Ugh another kiss (Emilia / Lucas) a less horny one though.
I’m really hyped about The Loop. 9 AM Saturday! I think I might watch it. You probably want me to blog it. Look, I don’t blog everything I watch on TV you know. Like I don’t blog The Simpsons when I watch that f’rinstance. Or The Mentalist etc or when Mia watches Hell’s Kitchen or Nigella and I am too bored to leave the room.
Hey someone with a speaking part just put an icepack on Aden’s eye. Must be serious – I mean, speaking part.
Dr Rhys and Erin are back tomorrow, that’s a relief, I need more evil.
Then it ended! It was grand, can’t wait for Friday’z.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
neighbours 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
neighbours 2012
It’s the actor who plays Erin who has it tough. She’s the one who has to put forward this thing about being flattered, confused and thrilled when Dr Rhys throws out these sort of full-on hardcore capital H hints about how he Really Likes Her.
‘My brother took me to the Brink last weekend at St Kilda’ Corey says to Sophie. Sophie has apparently seen Zero, so I guess she is older than she looks – they split up around 32 years ago. Maybe she meant Xiro, I think they split in ’84.
Lot of product placement for Harold’s Store going on – close-ups on uniforms and the shopfront. He should open a chain. I wonder who the girl behind the counter is – she looks like she has a story to tell. I hope she appears again soon.
Kate has Sophie's stationery list for Year 9. I am not quite sure why this requires P S Y C H O music, or the megadramatic grimace on Kate's face as they go to ad break. That was almost blue steel!
Then I changed the channel. It was great though! I can't wait for tomorrow's.
neighbours 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012
peggy seeger

Last night we went to see Peggy Seeger at the Oakleigh Caravan and it was an inspiration. The audience was a sedate bunch of older people (over 60s mainly I am guessing) and they did not mind a singalong, which suggests to me they might have been folk afficianados from way back, but I might just be romanticising. PS to my mind was best when playing her clawhammer banjo, but also marvellous with her long-bodied acoustic guitar. By the time she got to the piano it was more whimsy than anything. Some songs she sang a capella. She had some truisms in a looseleaf folder which she recited occasionally. I enjoyed it very much.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
note to self
Friday, January 20, 2012
neighbours 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
neighbours 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
neighbours 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
neighbours 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
neighbours 2012
On the rise local indy band William and the Tells, have been given an international boost with a guest role on Neighbours.
Friday, January 13, 2012
neighbours 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
neighbours 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
neighbours 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
neighbours 2012
Monday, January 09, 2012
neighbours 2012
d4 the toffee apple man
27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...
As a child, naturally enough, I watched a lot of television and it being the early 1970s when I was a child, I watched a lot of what is no...