Thursday, March 28, 2024

what a week


It really was a huge week, with not exactly three new lectures to deliver but let's say the equivalent of two (split one in half to make two, and add about 30% of new material into a 2-hour one, but make them all more or less make sense). 

During the week one of my phd students asked about lecturing, I think the train of thought came from nervousness about public speaking. I had never really thought about it too much (however much is too much) but in responding I framed it as a kind of performance - which it obviously is - though as I said then, it's not performance of the type of 'this is my life, reject it and you reject me', like a play or a monologue. So in my lecture this afternoon for instance one student just got up and walked out, which was interesting, but for all I know he had diarrhoea, it's better that he left in that case. There used to be an interesting toilet under that particular lecture theatre, I don't know what's there now. 

Above is an image related to about the only really interesting thing I did this week, some brief time in the Public Records Office looking at material relating to Churchill aka Hazelwood. Lots of fun plans and memos. I wish I could have spent more time doing that. But you know. Not possible. 

At least now it's Easter, which is boring, but also, opportunity to relax a little for a short time anyway. I'm nearly 59. 

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