Friday, March 22, 2024



I've had some commutes in my life, West Brunswick to Warrnambool probably the longest. So North Melbourne to Parkville - you can walk that in less than half an hour - is not a major problem and I am not going to pretend it is. I really just wanted to record though the situation just prior to the opening of the new rail line that goes very close to home for me and very close to work for me too. In the meantime though the traverse between the two during peak hour is a freakin' nightmare's nightmare, in terms of the amazing duration as the bus goes into Elizabeth St with the avowed intention of turning left at Flemington Road but just sits there for tens of minutes as traffic crawls through that ludicrous junction. 

I am going to assume that the new underground is not going to make any impact on that actual crawling traffic, or very little, but I will be able to forget it after this year. Yes, I should really just walk it, that would make more sense, but sometimes - like yesterday for instance, very little sleep and a late lecture - I was a bit of a basket case as they say. I bet 'basket case' is a super offensive term in its original coining. It sounds awful when you start to think about it. Don't think about it. 

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