Sunday, March 31, 2024

camberwell market

Nothing much to say about it actually. The last picture is of the only thing I bought. It was $2 and George Formby is an interesting figure. I just read about him on wikipedia and I am really worried about this line: 'George Formby was born George Hoy Booth in Wigan, Lancashire, on 26 May 1904. He was the eldest of seven surviving children born to James Lawler Booth and his wife Eliza, née Hoy, although this marriage was bigamous because Booth was still married to his first wife, Martha Maria Salter, a twenty-year-old music hall performer.' I really feel like there is something stunningly wrong with those sentences, but I don't trust myself today to identify a major error. Anyway. 

I did identify this error: at the record stall above (second picture) they had a copy of this record: 

They'd put a post-it note on the album saying it was rare, $95, and was by 'Toy Mahal'. Hey, I know that is what that looks like up there, and sure maybe they'd never heard of the actual Taj Mahal, but how did they look it up to find out who it was by, and not realise that it was by Taj Mahal not Toy Mahal? It was bad enough to be mansplained about some Beatles Let It Be era bootleg by some dufus, then this (oh and also another stall was playing a Kiss greatest hits tape, which reminded me, what is it with Kiss? What redeemable features did they have? I suspect none). 

I actually really like Camberwell Market, actually I really do. Also, it's not like I had a bad time or anything. It's just, you know, sometimes things get to me.

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