Tuesday, August 30, 2005

the burning question

The burning question - were The Beatles less universally adored by the masses in Australia in 1964 than everyone thinks - continues apace, pushing John Brogden's suicide attempt off the front page of this blog.

This is from Oz no. 9 May 1964 p. 9. In the July issue on p. 5, an apparently entirely serious interview called 'The Beatles and Agnosticism', the assertion that the Beatles' Sydney concert had 3,000 unsold seats is repeated by an interviewer.

It is interesting in itself that Oz was so down on The Beatles because of course later in life both R. Neville and M. Sharp were slobbering over 'em, particularly Lennon. But of course they were seen by many in the early to mid 60s as just another insane teen fetish constructed by the media to distract kids from the real issues (which judging by other pages of Oz from this time is: why don't nuns go topless).

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d4 the toffee apple man

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