Thursday, July 28, 2005

everyone thinks I'm great but really, I'm not that great

For instance, all I did today apart from some research at the Bailleau early this morning was read The White Earth and fret over incomplete results from last semester and watch godawful British comedy from the 60s and 70s (in my defence, this was for review purposes, so I stand to make a very respectable fifty bucks out of it). Dick Emery is so unbelievably terrible! I thought he was a hoot when I was a kid, but that was 1974 or something, and I suppose I hadn't seen that many men in dresses, now I see them constantly. I like Eric Sykes (and Hattie Jacques) but I admittedly find Sykes a bit trying in large doses; it's a kind of comedy that just withers in the face of the 21st century. I'd never seen any Marty Feldman tv stuff and boy, is that dull. I finally did what the world had been urging me to do for a while and purchased a box set of the first season of Arrested Development from JB, they're selling them for twenty bucks so why not. Mia has been staying in LA just round the corner from where the exteriors in AD were shot, so it'll be like holiday snaps for her when she gets back. Speaking of Mia, I haven't heard from her since the weekend, but I have not had any telepathic empathic nightmares, so I am assuming she is fine. She must be in the Netherlands now.

The Grey Tapes aren't playing on the weekend now, we have had to cancel, which is a good and a bad thing. I really need the time to get the house in a kind of presentable state for when she gets back. Although it's not looking that bad but I need to get something like paint remover to get paint off the fixtures, etc in the bathroom and the toilet room. Yes, some of it is new paint drips (particularly on the ugly tiles at the bottom of the wall) but there are also paint drips scientists have carbon dated to 1974.

Last weekend I was talking to John next door about the former owners of our house. I asked him what Mr. Watts died of, and he said 'old age'. I queried this because the one time we met the Watts widow she said she and her husband had been young when they bought the house, which could not have been before 1972 (ie when it was built) and even if he was thirty in 1972, he died about ten years ago so he would only have been in his fifties. John said well he drank a lot. Sounds like there is a story in this. I propose a seance!


Anonymous said...

This new black background is rather jarring. I certainly hope you are not intending to paint your carport this shade.

Wayne Davidson said...

Have to agree, pretty hard on the old peeps. Can I suggest a nice shade of beige?

Anonymous said...

please change your color scheme back. light on dark is hard to read.

Anonymous said...

What's not to like about a 40 year old hairdressant with a beard down to his goddamn elbows!!But nobody likes your blog's new colour scheme.

Anonymous said...

It's very metrosexual

Anonymous said...

Why did the grey tapes cancel?

Anonymous said...

The painting of the carport has been postponed everybody. Hell yeah it's a huge blow. How do you think hume city feels. Just note it in your goddamn diaries.

David Nichols said...

I note from the visits counter that eleven million people read my blog this week. Don't be shy about posting, people!

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...