Friday, July 22, 2005

every day is porridge then soup

Yesterday I couldn't find the brown sugar for my porridge and I was looking everywhere. I was thinking 'god, I hope it's not one of those situations where it's actually right in front of me and I can't see it'. I had golden syrup instead. Then I found the brown sugar. On the table in full view, admittedly with a collander on top of it.

Today it was all fine. And now it is time for me to have my soup. I have been listening to Explosive Hits 77 this morning.


Anonymous said...

When you found the brown sugar, were your dogs - wrapped up in Ed Kuepper's old t-shirt and anxious to eat porridge - whirling around excitedly?

bls said...

i only like oatmeal with brown sugar. if i had oatmeal and couldnt find the brwon sugar then i wouldnt have eaten it.
i wish it were winter here so that i could have oatmeal. alas it is the hottest date of the year so far with heat index at 108. i'll have a smoothie instead.

David Nichols said...

There's something a little chemical, or mediciney, about golden syrup but basically it's liquid brown sugar. Is porridge the same as oatmeal? I have a feeling oatmeal is finer.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...