Tuesday, September 08, 2020

mysteries of helmi

OK, so obviously I was obsessed by the unusualness of cats long before pandemic meant I spent up to 72 hours nonstop in their proximity (yes, there are some days when I just do not go out). But today was particularly interesting in the world of Helmi because she did not do that which she has done almost every day since she came here in March or April or whenever it was: she did not go to bed all day. Let me try and tell you how it's weird.  At the same time, read the following with these assumptions: (1) that you care at all (this might be hard) (2) that Helmi is possibly a work in progress perhaps even to herself - so - she might not really be thinking in terms of 'this is my routine, it's just what I do', but 'what is my routine, what do I do?', even, 'who am I actually?' This is where she's been most of today, in the spare/junk room by the heater (I have a heater in there because that's where I do my zooming from). 

So most days as you know she spends an hour or so in the morning harassing Nancy then, at some signal meaningful only to her, she goes to bed. I have seen her do it: she gets her claws in the undersheet from the ground and hauls herself up, so she is under the blanket (it's not a case of her getting onto the bed and then burrowing under the blanket - at least, that's never been how it's done the two or three times I've actually seen her do it, but admittedly most of the time she's just there and then suddenly she isn't). Anyway, today was different. I was on the couch working most of the morning, then I had a zoom meeting with a student, then I was back in the living room and Nancy was by my side on the couch and Helmi wanted attention from both of us, which of course is anathema to Nancy. Helmi was sitting near her and looking at her, then climbing up on the back of the couch, then etc. Then she disappeared. I assumed she'd gone to bed but then later I went into the junk room and there she was - by the heater, which apparently I'd turned on and left on. Just sitting there, as per the above. OK SO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN. She just wants time out during the day - under some blankets is fine, or in a room on her own is also fine? I always thought she hated sunlight, but apparently light is not the problem. She just sits there like a freak with her eyes open just looking at nothing. Nancy sleeps; I get that. Helmi just stares. 

Well, I'm really perplexed. This is the first time that I'm aware of in all the time she's been here when she's been fully out in the open, all day long. I guess people change, and Helmi's a person. 

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