Wednesday, September 09, 2020


In the last 24 hours I have been assiduously beavering away at photoshopping up the graphic novel and really getting a lot done. I am up to page 47 of 138, but I have also done pp. 111-136, so I really only have about 60 pages to go, and I'm about to get through the hardest bit, which is a bunch of 8-frame pages that need to be blacked out between the frames and a lot of the talks balloons spill out over the frames, which isn't easy to deal with technically. 

Doing this I have been listening to the podcast Blank Check and its series on the films of George Miller, primarily concentrating on the first three Mad Max films and then going into The Witches of Eastwick. It's a very funny program, extremely insider which I always love, and these are people who really, really know their stuff, which I also love. The relief I feel also comes off the back of the rather banal series of podcasts I have been listening to, which I won't name, but which have in general been injokey rather than insidery and making a plus out of (or trying to make a plus out of, and naturally failing) what they don't know rather than what they do. At Blank Check they don't know everything, but they have a thirst for knowledge and also, unabashed nerdlage. As a passive listener with big gaps in my experience/knowledge, most things I can get from context when I don't really have a clue about them. 

What I want to gripe about right now though is this: because they are talking about George Miller and because they are talking about films made in Australia, of course they fucking have to try out their Australian accents. I get that accents are funny, but the cluelessness is unbelievable. The Australian accents we're dealing with here are something like cockney pirates and do no-one any favours. I well understand that people like to try out accents, and it's apparently fun, but Americans have no fucking idea about how to do an Australian accent and when you consider the hours of life put into this on a daily basis that could be spent solving real problems or generating clean energy, you just want to puke. Don't even start me on the bullshit about Australia being 'so far away', what a nonsense particularly for a nation that thinks nothing of a 2-hour daily commute. Anyway, despite all this I am really enjoying this show at the moment and I have no idea how it eluded me for this long but yeah, it has. Because you never told me about it, or if you did, you didn't make a convincing case about why I would enjoy it. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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