Friday, September 25, 2020

for my sins

You know that old shebang about you try to fix one problem and you create two more? Yeah. It's not really a saying so much as a real experience. Anyway, when I realised that part of Persiflage was slightly obscure because Sherman was in the room and then suddenly he wasn't, I realised I had to insert a page to have him leave the room. Steve said no problem but it has to be two pages - because all the chapters have to start on a right hand page. So. I wrote two more pages yesterday, and drew them last night and this morning. I put in a reference to a time when people might have heard the name Alice Cooper and thought Alice Cooper was a girl's name, I felt a bit daggy bringing up more music stuff but in context it had to be done and it's fine IMO because it's a stupid reference but leads to a better joke. Then I sort of fixed it all up this morning including this very complicated string of paper dolls which I actually made, photographed and photoshopped in. 

Then, I realised... I have Sherman leaving the house, saying he's working with the horn section that day but he's wearing something different in the studio scenes! Continuity problem! I rationalised it away, I thought... fuck it, he put on a cool shirt to be with the cool people in the studio, who cares, do you have to show everyone changing their clothes or whatever when it happens? Make a thing of it? No. So I decided to leave it. Then I looked at the next few pages and... what do you know, the scenes of him in the studio are not the same day, they're another day. But what the hell! I've just put in this panel where he says he's going into the studio to work with the horn section! And the next panel refers directly to a horn section too! And I've spent well over an hour photoshopping the paper dolls into the panel after that! 

So I spent some more time arduously patching together a non sequitur statement about horns out of existing lettering (my hand is too shaky, as previously mentioned, to use the photoshop brush to write new stuff; it looks like I did it on etch-a-sketch). It doesn't really make sense but it passes for jargon, you wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't told you. This really is like making a movie. I mean, it's more fun probably and I don't have to worry about using up anyone's money. I think I really have to put this to bed now though... any subsequent errors I'm just going to have to live with. There probably are some. There are probably heaps. 

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