Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the gallery of memories - 3.5

The good thing about the good old days was that they were the best days on earth. I remember 2006 when it seemed perfectly legitimate to dress your animals in clothes, even if the clothes were too tight and you had to lie them down on their backs to do it. Charlie will be grateful for this coat, brought by Jane from Hong Kong, if it ever gets cold in Melbourne again, which at the moment seems inconceivable. Also it will provide her with a disguise in dense jungle, though a few Adam Ant style black lines under the eyes - as modelled by Steiger and Janelle on Neighbours last night - wouldn't go astray.


Kirsty said...

You can't dress your dog in army fatigues any more?

The world has truly gone to ruin.

ps I imagine Charlie saying the word verification in response to your fancy dress efforts: fcgowwf

Anonymous said...

The painte marks that steiger and janelle sported was nothing like that of Adam Ant. adam ant wore one continuous white line painted across his face, from the evil east of one cheekbone across his naughty nose to the wicked west of the other cheekbone. One foxy look whereas that of steiger and janelle's was just piggy.

you've probably got adam ant on the brain after seeing sofia coppola's movie length version of the Prince Charming clip.

David Nichols said...

You should see Millie's coat - it has luminous strips and the words 'police dog' on it. I keep thinking she'll be done for impersonating an officer if she wears it out.

David Nichols said...

No I have Adam Ant on the brain because I watched numerous European versions (no narration) of the opening credits to Atom Ant last night on YouTube. Atom Ant karaoke.

Mistress Bel said...

Goodo. i hope there was some fearless fly.

lucy tartan said...

omg police dog, how unreal. She looks a bit like Reg Hollis in that picture. I hope my cat doesn't see it.

T. D. said...

I can attest to dogclothes not being the hot item they were in 2006. I sell designer shirts for dogs (tuxes, business shirts w/tie, dresses) in a market stall. 2007 has been absolute shithouse. I'm looking into a new line of work. Maybe wholesale, selling the plastic replicas of delicious meals to Japanese restaurants.

d4 the toffee apple man

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