Monday, June 20, 2005

not a bad sunday afternoon show

Grey Tapes' second show with La Huva in, hmm, three months. We missed Mia's presence. Nevertheless the men rallied and we did an alright show. I forgot the beginnings to a couple of songs and, more importantly, the lyrics to a couple, so they didn't turn out great. But people were responsive/kind.

During the show I got a message on my mobile. Humorously (boy, I know this'll come out well in the telling) it was during the song that Polly had written. I was able to work it into my inbetween song patter (not banter, patter). I suggested I had received an SMS from Polly regarding the song in question. I read it out. It was actually from Philippa, my youngest sister, parodying the conversation (which revolved around gourmand interests) at the lunch I had been at earlier in the day at our father's place.Funny.

Toby said he would design a website for me, at a cost of my getting him out of a Bangkok jail if the need arises. Sounds like a good deal, because of course I would try, but if I didn't manage it, what can he do? Undesign my website? Not from a Bangkok jail.

Hello from Picasa is driving me nuts. It is supposed to be the easy way (and also apparently the only way) to post pictures here. But as much as I download it, I can't seem to log on to it. Once I logged on maybe I'd know what to do with the damn thing. Damn it.


Anonymous said...

Not to divert interest away from this entry because it's a good one and indeed so was the show (you most certainly did move the crowd) but David, I was wondering if you could enlighten me on a pivotal scene that happens early on in Miss Congeniality...

David Nichols said...

You need something explained?

Anonymous said...

Describe the scene and what it means to you would be great

Anonymous said...

in how many words?

Anonymous said...

Anywhere between 550 and 4,500

David Nichols said...

There's a funny scene when she falls over. She knows how. I laughed.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...