Saturday, January 06, 2024

Westgate park this morning

In an attempt to beat the heat, Perry and I made a quick excursion to Westgate Park this morning. The only other people there that I saw were two young people, a boy and a girl I think, who were canoodling (I think - didn't look closely - well I mean what is canoodling anyway - really anything other than reading scripture together and even that probably counts in some people's lives) on a bench by a path (i.e. a fairly public place but as I said, there was no-one else around so whatever). 

This is a picture I took but actually I took it just because I wanted pictures of the park edges. So this is not representative of anything except that, I shouldn't even put it here. 

For the first time that I can remember I actually had a destination in mind. I wanted Perry and I to both sit on this bench and view the lake. As you can see (zoom in! zoom in!) there is an empty tonic water bottle on the bench, evidence I suppose that someone, probably in Rye or Whittlesea or somewhere like that, drank some tonic water and then thought 'I had better take this empty bottle to Westgate Park and put it on a high point there'. Anyway, Perry and I did both sit on the bench for a time (I had to lift him up because I think he probably didn't understand the point/ didn't think it was wide enough for his fat arse) but to be honest...
it was already too hot there, even at 7ish AM, so he started whining then I started grizzling so we went home and I put it in my grizzle book (i.e. this blog). 

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