Thursday, January 11, 2024

ascot vale yesterday

Perry and I had a walk in what I suppose is West Ascot Vale yesterday afternoon, but I bet the people who live there have another name for it which indicates to their satisfaction that they're not like the rest of AV, being hidden away between Epsom, Langs and Maribyrnong Roads as they are. It's mountainous there, too and quirky as well. EG:

I mean I assume this (above, in Hunt Crescent) is temporary but how would you ever get it off? 
These (above) are in Hunt Crescent too. I would not be able to handle a really steep drive, I'd have nightmares. Below: the kind of salt of the earth weatherboard that I bet was a lot more prevalent in this area than it is now. I'd love to know what houses like this are like inside. Good I bet. 
Below is Eden Court. I have to say looking at this house I felt like I'd stepped back into a 1958 Home Beautiful cover. Just sumptuous. 

And this is also amazeballs. I bet this is nice to be inside in Summer. 
This shit is crazy. I assume someone heard that old CDs in the garden kept the birds away and reasoned some other redundant audio technology wouldn't hurt as well... then made them birds. Intense. 
This is an apartment block seen from Woods st but actually technically located in Harold St. The big vacant block in front will surely someday contain a house or something, I wonder what the deal is. 
Perry wasn't up for a conversation about this at the time as he was busy with other problems. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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