Tuesday, January 02, 2024

dave chappelle the dreamer

I wonder if Dave Chappelle was miffed that Netflix put out Ricky Gervais' special a few days before his, or whether it was his idea i.e. does RG's bullshit pave the way for DC's? Or does it blunt DC's impact? 

There are similarities between RG's and DC's shows. The most obvious one is that they say all the things you're not supposed to say, by which I mean, the extremely monotonous uninteresting things that show them to be proudly on the wrong side of history. Hurrah! Another is that they believe, and proudly say, that their popularity/success/wealth is proof of their rectitude/cleverness/validity.

I suppose that if you are a Dave Chappelle fan and he says that trans people make him 'feel' something, then you're interested in the way he 'feels'. But look at the smug glee of those cunts in his audience. They are completely getting off on his entitled unwillingness to understand others. When he jokes later about a knife that 'identifies' as a gun, is he somehow suggesting that he's a brave man who faces danger head on for his beliefs? Yeah, probably. If he'd taken out the hoary stereotypes from this special I still wouldn't find it funny, but at least I would have a little respect for him.*

Admittedly I didn't watch to the end, so maybe it really took off in that last 15 minutes. I guess I'll never know. 

*I admit I liked the element where he said he was going to leave the trans/gay communities alone going forward because they were 'too organised'. Yes. He then said he was going to pick on the handicapped instead. Lol.  

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d4 the toffee apple man

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