Thursday, January 25, 2024

the area formerly known as tottenham - 1: hex st

I wish I knew where to find this now (there is an odd disjunct between when the Age runs out in - 2000 - and when the Age starts being searchable on its own website - I guess around 2006-7 but it's a terrible search function) but I know that once there was an article in the Age about Hex St, Tottenham (as it was then known) which apparently contained the cheapest houses in Melbourne. I believe I drove there so it must have been around 2001-3 or 4 (because I didn't get my license till around then). I just wanted to see how terrible a really cheap street could be, and I am sure I was not the only one. I see in the Age listings for 2000 that homes in Hex St sold for around $170 000.  

Anyway it looked fine to me. I think the weirdest thing about it overall was that it was called Hex St. I mean, is that the word for anything other than a curse? There are a few other Hex Streets in the world - there's a couple in the US and one in South Africa - I still say it's a super weird name for a street. 

But, Hex St in 2024 is an extremely nice ordinary suburban street. 

This house below surprised me, it suggests Hex St is a lot older than I thought. I assumed 1920s at earliest but unless this house predates the street, you'd have to guess pre-WWI. 
I don't know whether the individual below is a hex maker or hex recipient

'Can't wait for part 2 of this series'

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