Thursday, January 25, 2024

the area formerly known as tottenham: 3 - sredna st

I'm trying to find details on Anders M. Hansen, the builder - timberyard owner - Mayor of Footscray who built a lot of homes in Footscray. There's not a lot on him. I know he died in the 50s. I am not even going to bore us both with the meagre information I do know. Anyway, he obviously subdivided and built Sredna St. For some weird reason I thought the area was known as Tottenham until recently but I was apparently wrong in this assumption and Tottenham - the name of the nearby railway station - is only applicable to the industrial area that starts just west of Sredna st and according to Wikipedia has a population of 0. 

This is the factory at the end of Sredna St. 

 Here are a few of the houses which are presumably Hansen originals.

In a moment of fancy I thought maybe the emblem below meant 'AH' for Anders Hansen but since it's only on one of the houses, it probably doesn't mean that. 
Surely that's enough West Footscray, the area not actually formerly known as Tottenham except by me, for today. 

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