Friday, January 26, 2024

box hill cemetery 1 - myers grave

I was sufficiently intrigued by this, in the Journal of the Royal Victorian Institute of Architects March 1939 pp. 6-7, that I roped (almost literally) Perry into going to see it in real life with me. 

If you ever wondered why no-one employed me to photograph graves for them, the following pictures might explain. They're not excellent, whereas the ones above have a particular kind of grandeur, mine have a particular kind of too many trees. 

Note also nobody's bothered to maintain/replace the teak slats that gave the original structure a little bit more. Also, the restroom or whatever it is to the rear in the first picture is gone now, though that's not completely obvious from my pictures. 

It was a nice quiet day for the cemetery anyway, invasion day, very few people in the vicinity. 

Oh btw in case you were wondering, the Myers aren't buried in the Jewish section of the cemetery because Sidney converted to Christianity at some point and also, because there is no Jewish section of the cemetery. 
The grave is more or less at the western end of North Drive I think. 

1 comment:

B Smith said...

You're selling yourself short - the first photo's great. To my mind, Bow and Highgate Cemeteries in London are the way cemeteries ought to be...bit difficult to do here with the difference in climate, I suppose.

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