Sunday, May 10, 2020

the subtle art of not giving a shit

So I did walk the beagles today, and we went all the way round the lake, which was a rare treat for them (usually out of deference to Barry's age I probably give them about 1/3 as much of a walk, crossing the bridge to the Gladstone Park side but then coming back over the slipway; but because it rained so heavily the day before it was either turn around on the Gladstone Park side or do the big haul; I figured neither they nor I had walked much in the last few days). Just near the Western Ring Road I heard Ferdie barking; they were both behind me and they had got into an argument with a big, young dog, I think a boxer, which its owner, a fat prick with a beard, was having trouble handling. Fat prick said to me something like 'you're lucky your dog is so timid...' I wasn't going to have a discussion about how lucky I was in the context of someone who can't control their own dog, so I just called the beagles (who came) and shrugged and walked away 'Oh, so you don't give a shit' said the prick.

I kind of did, actually, because I wanted to say something about how despite being beagles, Barry and Ferdie are actually pretty well under control (Ferdie has a tendency at the end of a walk to go AWOL, it's more a political statement than anything because he doesn't go far - though it's still pretty bad behaviour) and will come on command, etc, whereas the prick's dog, a very handsome and healthy looking specimen, was obviously giving him a full time workout on the end of a rope, because he hadn't trained him properly. But it was loud under the Ring Road, and also I think he is probably still stewing over my nonchalance whereas, while I am currently venting I agree, I didn't think about him at all for about 12 hours, until a minute ago. So I think I won.

Also, buying into idiot arguments with idiot strangers is what idiots do. Still, it continues to grind my gears and I would like to turn into a superhero and take him a kilometre into the air until he turns blue and threaten to drop him unless he says sorry then take him all the way down and throw him in the lake, and fly away laughing.

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