Wednesday, May 06, 2020

just complaining, ignore

Right so every time I go looking through Netflix to see what I might watch, I am like 'I really have to get rid of Netflix' (so I'll get rid of Netflix, I'll get rid of fb, what will I actually have?). Seriously, there is fuck all on Netflix, or at least, there's a lot but it all looks gruesome. By different definitions. As I write this, I am watching a Jerry Seinfeld special, I think it's called 23 hours to kill or similar. I didn't exactly expect to enjoy it but I expected to be interested in how JS connects to the world in 2020. I did like his special of his old pre-fame material, which is a little like the way I enjoy Tony Martin's unplugged Sizzletowns, though it has to be said, Tony Martin is about a hundred times funnier than JS at any time. JS has a joke in this special where he talks about 'great' and 'sucks' as being the same thing, and as proof he offers the fact that when we lose something - which sucks - we say 'oh, great'. (I'm paraphrasing, he does it more skilfully than that). But saying 'oh, great' is sarcasm, Jerry, it's saying the opposite of what you mean. That is proof that something sucking is the opposite of something being great.

Tony Martin is a meta comedian in the way Seinfeld wants to be but can't be because he's Jerry Seinfeld. He's part of the world (he does make a mention of how he is essentially famous as a tv comedian from the 90s - fair) he is parodying.

Before this show I got about three episodes in to Tim Robinson's I Think You Should Leave. A kind of comedy of embarrassment sketch show. I grew up on shit like this and now, being grown up, I don't need it anymore. There are some slightly good sidesteps and twists but otherwise it's comedic fantasy about adults acting out like six year olds in adult situations. Imagine. I'm not saying I don't conceive of a lot of adult situations in this manner, definitely, but that's another reason why I don't need to see it. It's childish times two, because it's about adult anxiety, but it's also just that thing you think one day when you're a child and you think 'this is fake! break the fourth wall!' and you think you are the first person to have ever thought that. There are good comedians in the show but the format - by which I mean the concept of each sketch - is obvious.

I have to get away from Netflix. I am not interested in Netflix. I keep getting messages from Amazon Prime telling me I have a credit or a membership or something. I think I should probably dump them all and start again.

1 comment:

Wayne Davidson said...

I like Amazon Prime - they have quality stuff like Marvellous Mrs. Maisel and American Gods, the clumsy gothic soap Dark Shadows and a whole heap of public domain and 60s-70s-80s crapola that I am clearly the target market for (clearly I am a niche targget market). Give it a whirl.

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