Sunday, September 25, 2016

saint-quentin en yvelines

A work trip on a sunny Saturday afternoon. The real results can be gleaned from the Internal Reserves blog (link at right). Here's some peripheral: 

I was keen to know what the 'XX' meant but never will:

The square outside the station:
 Various units d'habitation

If it was 1987 and I was in a goth band I would have had our photo taken in this mirror in a stark natural setting.

You know walking through all this, I was impressed. Now I'm thinking maybe - 'is this trying to reference every conceivable example of impressive urban architecture ever!?'
Maybe yes. Maybe that's OK

OK so there is a market here - fairly Milton-Keynesy in my opinion. Like the MK market, a lot of stuff that may not have fallen off the back of a truck exactly, but, you know, well, if it didn't then it was just stolen.

I already want to go back to St Quentin en Yvelines. It's a very impressive place. Instead I'm going to go to Évry, an earlier new town (by 15 years or so) in a day or two. Can't wait. Can you? 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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