Thursday, January 17, 2008

animal experiments

Well, Millie ended up having not only a fleshy protrusion removed from her ear, but also from her leg (seems the vet was inspired to prune). This means Millie stayed at the vets overnight and Charlie has had not only a day 'alone' but also a night. She is not used to this kind of thing and clearly does not like it.

If you regularly visit us at the Crescent you will know that Charlie has some hostility rooted in her wish to control a situation; she is a real life Peter Costello, to cite archaic political history. Millie, on the other hand, (I am not going to say she is a kind of John Howard figure because that is a terrible insult - although come to think of it now the Libs also hate Howard maybe I should reassess) she jovially refuses to surrender power yet never seems to be anything but in control however is not at all domineering or showy about it.

Charlie has really defined herself by her relation to Millie, then, and now she is adrift. God knows what she'll think when Millie shows up today with bandages and crotchetty. Either that Millie is a god or a mortal, I suppose, and retreat or attack accordingly.

I love dogs, but it is a pretty venal society. And beagles are notoriously the most passive dogs! Charlie is an anomaly, though, I have to say.

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