Thursday, August 24, 2006

new house

I don't know if you know but I have pretty much the smartest spouse on the planet. She created such a radical scape for our kitchen I practically thought it was a whole new house. It looks like a new house. If you have ever been to our house, I'm telling you you wouldn't recognise it. Last weekend, tired understandably of my offhand comments about things I might one day do, she pulled up the lino in the kitchen and found underneath it - this'll be hard to believe if you saw the former top layer - even more repulsive lino glued to boards of masonite which had been nailed to the floor. This was the kind of kitchen arrangement you couldn't have got away with in Sydney because cockroaches would have moved in the day it was nailed down and set up a kind of city in there. It makes me wonder what kind of insanity the former owners were dealing with. Anyway, we got the masonite out of there (Peta found it tres amusant when I told her last nigth that we stacked some of it under the house) and Mia basically sanded the most gruesome bits and stained the rest with a stain/varnish. It looks stupendous. I love it. I wish I was there right now. Now all we have to do is ritually burn the horrendous norsca cupboard doors (which former owner was so proud of, it was in fact the only thing she actually cited as being good about the house) and I would also like to have them seared from my memory, and voila! A kitchen that... well, it'd still need work. Maybe I'll win lotto.

I never enter lotto, and nor do I believe in probability, but I'm guessing the chances of me winning lotto if I entered every week are just a little more than the chances of someone buying a lotto ticket for me and it winning. So I'll wait for that to happen. And then... a new kitchen! The floor stays though.


Anonymous said...

Eminently sensible. Frankly, you just never know when a piece of masonite might come in handy. I've lost count of the number of times when a little piece of masonite has been just the ticket as a chock under a bit of wobbly furniture.

David Nichols said...

We don't have wobbly furniture. Except that table. You DEFINITELY don't.

Anonymous said...

you bin testin' ma furniture while I bin out??

David Nichols said...

In a word, absolutely you bet.

Anonymous said...

It would be churlish of me to say that was three words, wouldn't it. But then, churlish is my middle name.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...