Thursday, August 10, 2006


How gross is this. Some time between 1967 (when Harley W. Forster's Preston: Lands and People 1838-1967 was published) and this morning (when I borrowed it from the library) some dirty little cesspit-minded grub revealed the inherent truth about this gathering of fine Prestonites. Or perhaps they really are nude, I'm not quite sure.

There are two kinds of book graffitists, the type responsible for this hilarious image, and the type who need to write on books so they know they're really reading. For instance, the person who wrote all over Bruce R. Davidson's European Farming in Australia, which I also borrowed today. 'Merchants, their existence - on the espansion of new industry' they write at the bottom of page 97, and 'enemy of success' they write on page 84 (thus summarising to their satisfaction the phrase 'Next to the dingo, the periodic droughts which ravaged Australia were the grazier's greatest enemy.')Interestingly they stop doing it around page 190 (dealing with a period ending in 1910) unless that's them doing the pencil underlining later on, but I bet it's not. Unless they got laryngitis.


lucy tartan said...

Being supervised by the same mild-mannered man for six years I've got to know his handwriting quite well, and it's always amusing to come across yet another library book upon which he's written "crap!" "bullshit" "liar" in the margins

Anonymous said...

Maybe they wrote it in 1910, and do there's nothing written after that!

David Nichols said...

That's quite a theory anonymous, but it was actually published in 1981.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...