Wednesday, August 23, 2006

any minute now I'm going to stop...

watching Neighbours. Alright I've threatened this before, and it never really comes good. But the pros and cons are seriously overbalanced at the moment in the con category. Sure, ongoing Karl and Susan, you know the only way those two can stay interesting is if there is always turmoil. And I agree that Paul and Lyn has been handled very well; all Lyn's stuff about Paul being a good man deep down inside, which is absurd (interestingly, I don't really feel like Lyn's own inherent decency and grace is being trampled on when Paul does dirty deeds; I wonder why not?). And I have already praised the work of ETC and Janae world. And I do really like weird blind Ann and her mysterious secret, even if I and everyone else has already figured out what the mysterious secret in question actually is. But Steph and her practical jokes is the most unconvincing nonsense I've come across in a long time. The set up with the $20 note on a string - which was repeated yesterday before the opening credits - I mean, geez louise. Max and Katya - wtf?! Although I liked Katya's naive explanation of why she though Max felt the same way - a good bit of writing and acting. Ned and the unfaithful wives - jesus the Scar Bar (I'll remember what it's really called in a second) is a hotbed of vice, and considering there's only ever about four people in it, that's a lot of concentrated sin. Toadie and the exercise regime - wtp? (that's 'what's the point'?) and Elle and her mysterious illness fabricated by Paul bribing a doctor who'd racked up major debts from, it would appear, combining gambling and marriage in the Lassiter's Casino Wedding Complex, to fake test results... I admit I did like Lou perving on Janelle when she was washing the car, though I will have to suspend judgement on that whole storyline until I see where it's going. But I see I have kind of talked myself around. I guess a few more years won't hurt (which is probably what Channel 10 are saying too).


Anonymous said...

I'd say the problem lies with Steph but you know she's just savouring the good times after her battle against c and the drawn out bybee business. Let's face it she's a dud and has to go.

David Nichols said...

I agree but she's a longstanding lovable tomboy and they let Charlene go and look what happened. So maybe keeping her is a public service.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...