Monday, May 01, 2006

a grand sense of achievement

Take paperwork to new workplace - done, a drag, but done
Write a review of the new Church album - done, ditto but ditto
Assemble the wheelbarrow (this is not a metaphor) - Mia did it on Saturday
Check PO box - done, empty
Do some washing (of various household clothing/bedding items) - done
Do some washing (of two filthy beagles) - done, most satisfactory.
Clean out the fridge - done-ish
Pick Mia up from airport - done with difficulties imposed by lack of green arrow from Centre road
Submit some invoices - oops
Submit some essay marks - um...
Make some bread - done, though not till yesterday
Do the other things that have to be done which I've forgotten already - done mainly.

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d4 the toffee apple man

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