Wednesday, May 10, 2006

mysteries of the wort

I don't know if I have mentioned this previously but 2006 has been a very St John's Wort year for me, and I have made a lot of progress on this unusual drug. It has apparently prevented me from becoming very angsty many times. So blissed out was I incidentally that I basically stopped taking it for the last week or so and did not even notice that I had stopped taking it and then yesterday got that old state of unease back which was not pleasant but I now regard it as interesting more than anything because St John and his Wort have made me realise that in fact it is not necessarily related directly to reality. So here I am not imbibing so much wort and feeling OK about it, and living proof that mind-altering substances are just plain cool.


Anonymous said...

But David, St John and his Wort made me feel terrible and far from at ease: indeed it brought on an uneasy feeling. One man's wort is another woman's tumour.
Ishmael's keeper.

Anonymous said...

Call me Ismael...'s keeper

David Nichols said...

Dear anonymous,
you are incorrigible. I don't think anything could put you at ease. Maybe you should double your wheatgrass shots for a few weeks.

Wayne Davidson said...

Bach Flower Remedies are superb for assisting with angst or any number of other nervous conditions. They're also completely safe to take.

Magnesium is great too.

David Nichols said...

What does magnesium do?
Do you take milk of magnesium to get magnesium?

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...